We are excited to announce that Youth Ministry will be starting classes again on Monday, January 27th at 6:30pm.
¡Estamos contestos de anunciar que las clases del Ministerio Juvenil compienzan nuevamente el Lunes 27 de Enero a las 6:30 p.m!Students in Middle School and High School who are in preparation for First Reconciliation and First Communion are required to attend the retreat on Saturday, January 25th at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in Bothell, at least one parent is also required to attend. It will be from 9am-3pm.
Los estudiantes de Middle School y High School que estén en su preparación para la Primera Reconciliación y la Primera Comunión deben asistir al retiro el sábado 25 de enero en St. Elizabeth Ann Seton en Bothell, también se requiere que asista al menos uno de los padres. Será de 9am a 3pm.
Parents of Middle and High School Students, you are invited to our Youth Ministry Parent Meeting to learn about the plans and events for the upcoming school year.
Date: Sunday, September 22, 2024
Middle School: 10:00 AM (English and Spanish)
High School: 12:00 PM (English and Spanish)
Location: St. Pius X
We will discuss the scheduled activities, the mission and values of Youth Ministry, and how you, as parents, can be involved in supporting your teens' faith journey.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Certificates needed for registration:
Candidates who are Baptized Catholic and have not received their First Communion:
a copy of their Baptismal Certificate
Candidates who are baptized Catholics and have received their First Communion must provide:
a copy of their Baptismal Certificate with notation of the Sacrament of Eucharist
a copy of your sponsors Baptismal Certificate with Eucharist and Confirmation notations
Candidates who are Unbaptized must provide:
a copy of their Birth Certificate
Office Hours can be found / Las horas de la oficina se pueden encontrar aqui: here
Eligibility Requirements: 6th - 12th Grade and Baptized Catholics
Attend Weekly Youth Ministry Programs beginning on September 15. Can only miss 3 classes:
Middle School EDGE Sundays
Two options for you, choose one:
6:30 PM -7:30 am at St. Pius X on Mondays
3:30 pm - 4:45 pm at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton on Sundays
High School LifeTeen Sundays
Eligibility Requirements: 7th - 12th Grade, Baptized Catholics and received First Communion.
Attend Weekly Youth Ministry Programs beginning on September 15. Can only miss 3 classes.
Middle School EDGE Sundays
Two options for you:6:30 PM -7:30 pm at St. Pius X on Mondays
3:30 pm - 4:45 pm at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Retreat Ministry: This is a requirement by the Archbishop and no exceptions can be made. Cost is included in the registration. Spring Encounter (March 15) or Spring Retreat (April 5)
High School LifeTeen Sundays
Two options for you:6:30 PM -7:30 pm at St. Pius X on Mondays
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton on Sundays
Retreat Ministry: This is a requirement by the Archbishop and no exceptions can be made. Cost is included in the registration. Fall Convention (October 26) or Spring Retreat (April 5)
Mass Attendance:
Candidates are expected to attend Sunday Mass each week and on Holy Days of Obligations and serve on a rotation at Mass
Eligibility Requirement: 6th - 12th Grade, Unbaptized or Baptized in another Faith tradition.
Attend Weekly Youth Ministry Programs beginning on September 15. Can only miss 3 classes.
YEAR 1: Youth First Communion
YEAR 2: Youth Confirmation