Join us for a 9-week study group to deepen your faith this Winter. Bring your family and friends!
All sessions start with time to connect and build friendships while we enjoy a dinner together. Then, we watch a movie designed to engage people from all walks of life and inspire conversation. We end our meeting with a discussion about the movie to hear from others and share your thoughts in a friendly and open environment.
The first Alpha meeting is January 16, 2025. We meet every Thursday until March 20th, 2025, from 6:30pm - 8:30pm at the Mercy House.
St Pius X, Mercy House Building:
22106 56th Ave W, Mountlake Terrace
Not sure? Come check it out for a week or two!
Space is limited—sign up today to let us know you’re coming!
Please register by visiting or calling Ron at (206) 714-0269.
We are a member of Boy Scouts of America. Troop 60 has about 30 kids aged 10 - 17yrs old. We also have a younger Scout group called Pack 76, that group is for kids aged 5 - 10yrs old. We focus on developing leadership in the boys and teaching them outdoor skills and life skills life first aid, knots and personal management. We are an outdoor troop doing camping, backpacking, canoeing, and cycling. We do a weekend outing the 3rd weekend of every month of the year. You can see our upcoming weekend trips here
We meet every Tuesday night from 7:30pm - 9:00pm, in the gym. Please contact Chris Frary (Scoutmaster) at [email protected] or Greg LeBlanc (Committee Chair) at [email protected] for more information, or just come and join us at our weekly meeting.
Catholic Daughters of the Americas is one of the oldest and largest organizations of Catholic women in the Americas. We donate to charities, administer scholarship programs and strive to be the helping hands where there is pain, poverty, sorrow or sickness.
Join us at our meetings, held the third Wednesday of every month (September through June) at 7:00 pm in the Fireside Room (in the parish office building) Please contact Angela Francois at [email protected] for more information.
At St. Pius X, we offer a variety of choirs for you to join! Our choirs include the Traditional Choir, the Pacific Asian American Ministry Choir (PAAM Choir), the SPX Praise Choir (Filipino), the School Children's Choir for Kindergarten through 7th or 8th grade, and a Youth Choir for those in 8th grade and above. We also have a Hispanic Missionary Choir and a Hispanic Youth Choir
Together, we raise our voices in joyful praise! For more information, please contact our Liturgical Environment Coordinator, Diane Figaro, at [email protected]
Looking for an Opportunity to Serve with Your Love of Music?
Our traditional choir is seeking new members, and we would love to welcome all singers—especially male voices to help enrich our harmonies! No experience required—all experience levels are welcome to join! Whether you’re new to singing or have been part of choirs for years, we would be thrilled to have you. Your voice can help us make beautiful music and enrich our parish community.
Our Choir’s Schedule:
Singing: Every Sunday morning at the 9:00 AM Mass (and once a month on Saturday evening at 5:30 PM)
Pre-Mass Rehearsal: Sundays at 8:15 AM
Weekly Rehearsal: Thursdays at 6:30 PM
For more information, please contact:
James - Traditional Choir Director at 206-255-0997
Email: [email protected]
The Ladies Guild serves coffee and doughnuts after the 9:00 and 11:00 AM Sunday Masses to provide the opportunity for parishioners to be able to socialize after Mass. If interested in helping contact Florence Ely at [email protected]
The main function of the Funeral Committee is to prepare and serve the luncheon for funerals here at St. Pius X. A funeral luncheon is provided for grieving families of deceased members. We serve the meal in the social hall after funeral services. You can volunteer for this wonderful ministry by calling the parish office at (425) 775-7545.
The Knights of Columbus was officially chartered as a fraternal benefit society in Connecticut in 1882. This order is still true to their founding principles of charity, unity and fraternity. Membership is open to men 18-years of age or older who are practicing Catholics in union with the Holy See. This means you accept the teaching authority of the Catholic Church on matters of faith and morals, aspire to live in accordance with the precepts of the Catholic Church and you are in good standing with the Catholic Church. At St. Pius X, the Knights meet on the second Wednesday of each month from September through June at 6:30 PM. Our meetings are held in the St Pius X office located in the "Fireside" Room. Please contact Carl Karfess at
Our Carmelite Ministry is an Ancient Observance (O. Carm.) branch of the Carmelite Family. The Ancient Observance Carmelite Order (O. Carm.) is a Catholic religious order founded in the 12th century on Mount Carmel. Rooted in contemplative prayer and the spirituality, the order emphasizes a deep relationship with God through meditation, community life, and service. Please contact Mary Cruise at [email protected] for more information. You can also call her at (206) 696-3436
We would love to have you join us in various fund-raising events, serving the needs of the Parish and our Pastor. Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month at 10am (September through June) in the Social Hall. Please contact Florence Ely at [email protected] for more information; or just come join us at a meeting!
St. John tells us that, "The Word became flesh and dwelt amongst us." This ministries' members work on a rotation basis, reading aloud the liturgy readings assigned to them for a particular Mass. Please contact Diane Figaro at [email protected] for more information.
The Lamb at the center of the throne will be our shepherd; He will lead us to springs of living water - Rev 7:17
Would you like to have more joy in your life? Are you looking to know more about our faith and build a deeper relationship with Jesus? Look no further! Please come join us. We are a vibrant, family oriented prayer community that shares fellowship through music, teaching and prayer ministry. We gather together to share our needs, for prayer, discussing and sharing the Word, encouraging, comforting and edifying one another. We meet every Friday at 7pm at the Social Hall. For more information, please contact: Carolina and Dan Keenan at [email protected]. All are welcome!
Millions of mothers have watched their children abandon their Catholic faith in a chaotic, stressful and struggling world. Join with other Catholic women who are being called by the Holy Spirit to imitate St. Monica as they attend this prayer ministry at St. Pius X. Join with other Catholic women who are being called by the Holy Spirit to imitate St. Monica as they attend this prayer ministry in their parishes. Like St. Monica, we pray for our children to return to the practice of their Catholic faith, and for our children to always stay close to their faith. We are a group of mothers (young and old), who believe in the mother's power of prayer.
Tuesdays 4:30-5:30 pm, in the adoration Chapel. Please contact Keleigh Muzaffar at [email protected], for more information.
The adoration apostolate is a group of lay persons who commit to an hour of prayer in the chapel during the week to keep the chapel open and available at all times to everyone. If you would like to spend an hour every week with Our Lord, please visit our page here. For more information, please contact Elli Osburn at [email protected]
Post-abortion healing retreats for those who have gone through the experience of an abortion. These retreats are for women and men as abortion affects both although it manifests itself differently. Come and experience God's infinite love and allow Him to restore the life within you again, giving you a future full of hope. Everything is confidential. Contact Frances (for English) at 206-920-6413, and Alejandra (for Spanish) at 206-450-7814.
Be released from what is keeping you away from God and allow Him to restore the life inside you again.
If you are suffering from the experience of an abortion, you do not need to walk alone. Project Rached offers a compassionate and confidential environment for those who suffer the effects of an abortion.
Do you have a HEART for vocations?
Join us every 3rd Thursday at 5:00 PM to pray the Rosary, followed by Mass and a fellowship. Our mission is to promote vocations to the priesthood, religious life, and the diaconate.
What does Serra Club does?
we promote and support vocations to the priesthood and consecrated religious life through prayer, inspiring speakers, community engagement, and supporting to those who feel called to serve Christ through priesthood and consecrated religious life.
We look forward to meeting you!
Para más información contacte Jonny Hernandez al [email protected]
Nosotros nos reunimos una vez al mes:El apostolado de Adoración es un grupo de laicos que se comprometen a hacer una hora de oración en la capilla durante la semana para mantener la capilla abierta y disponible en todo momento para todos. Si desea pasar una hora cada semana con Nuestro Señor, comuníquese con la oficina parroquial, (425) 775-7545. Necesitaremos su nombre, número de teléfono y la hora que prefiera. Para conocer los horarios disponibles, consulte su boletín proporcionado después de cada misa dominical.
Este comité es el encargado de trabajar durante el año realizando diferentes actividades para recaudar fondos para llevar a cabo las festividades de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, así como la organización de esta hermosa fiesta de tradición no solo mexicana sino de toda la comunidad hispana y de otras culturas. Para más información contactar a la officina al 425-775-7545 o comuniquese con Aneel Zuniga al [email protected]
San Pío X tiene varios coros en los que puedes participar. El Coro Tradicional, un Ministerio de Canto del Pacífico Asiático y de los Estados Unidos (Coro PAAM), BLD Coro de Alabanza (filipino), un Coro de Niños para aquellos niños en Kindergarten hasta 7º u 8º grado, y un Coro de Jóvenes para aquellos adolescentes en 8º grado y más. También hay un Coro Hispano de niños, adultos y jóvenes. ¡Muchas voces elevadas en un canto de alabanza! Para más información contacte a Aurelio Mejía en [email protected]
Coro de Adultos
El Coro Hispano para Adultos se reune todos los viernes a las 8pm para practicar y los Domingos a las 11am para practicar antes de la misa.
Los ministerios que conforman la Comunidad CERS son los siguientes:
Evangelización o servicio profético, que incluye a los responsables de grupos bíblicos, el rezo del Rosario Bíblico Meditado y la Liturgia de las Horas. Servicio a los alejados, son los que realizan las visitas domiciliarias, la difusión de la revista “Inquietud Nueva” y el apadrinamiento para los cuatros cursos básicos de Evangelización. Apostolado Social, que se dedica a la atención de los pobres. Servicios a los enfermos. Catequesis y Pláticas pre-sacramentales y servicio litúrgico. Para más información usted puede contactar Maria Machucha al [email protected] o con la Hermana Lily al [email protected]
Nosotros nos reunimos todos los viernes a las 8pm.
Nosotros somos un grupo que prepara danzas para el dia de Nuestra Virgen De Guadalupe. Para mas informacion comunicarse con Juan García vía email a [email protected] o con Juan Rayas al [email protected]
Se reúnen semanalmente para alabar, glorificar, adorar y dar gracias a Dios, en el poder del Espíritu Santo, compartiendo la Palabra de Dios y el testimonio de sus propias vidas, usando los carismas que el mismo Espíritu ha derramado sobre todos y cada uno de ellos. Todo esto en un espíritu de gozo, alegría, animados por la música de los cantos carismáticos de alabanza y adoración. Si usted se siente invitado a asistir puede contactar al Sr. Karina Carrillo al [email protected]
Nosotros nos reunimos todos los martes en el la Iglesia a las 7:00pm
San Juan nos dice que, "El Verbo se hizo carne y habitó entre nosotros". Los miembros de este ministerio trabajan dentro de un rol, en el que se turnan para leer en voz alta las lecturas litúrgicas que se les asignan para una misa en particular. Cada uno de los lectores debe ser capaz de leer en voz alta en público, vestirse modestamente y ocasionalmente llevar el Evangeliario en la procesión de entrada en las misas. Por favor llame a la oficina parroquial al (425) 775-7545 o contacte Juan García vía email a [email protected]
Los voluntarios de San. Vicente de Paul ayudan a las familias de nuestra parroquia con tiendas de comestibles y asistencia financiera limitada. Se pueden encontrar cestas de comida en ambos costados a las entradas de la iglesia para sus donaciones de alimentos sin caducar. Si cada familia pudiera traer una vez cada semana o cada mes mantendría nuestra despensa llena. También puede considerar hacer una donación en efectivo o cheque (a nombre de St. Vincent de Paul). Se pueden encontrar pequeños sobres en las bancas y su donación se puede dejar en las cestas de recolección en la misa. Para mas informacion, te puedes comunicar con Maveen Cline at [email protected]
El MFCC es una agrupación de familias católicas que unen sus esfuerzos para promover los valores humanos y cristianos de la familia, comprometida con el desarrollo integral de la comunidad a través de sus miembros. Para mayor información puede contactar a la Cecilia Cruz al [email protected] o con Gildardo Torres al [email protected]
Este comité está formado por los padres de los niños hispanos que asisten al colegio de San Pio X, y son los encargados de llevar a cabo diferentes actividades para apoyar a la Escuela en sus diferentes necesidades. Usted puede contactar a la Ana Montota al [email protected] si requiere más información acerca de este comité.
El programa PREPARES está dedicado a apoyar a mujeres embarazadas y a familias con niños desde recién nacidos hasta 5 años de edad, que pasan por momentos difíciles. Se les ofrece ayuda incondicional con productos esenciales como pañales, toallitas húmedas, fórmula, ropita, etc. Adicionalmente también, ofrecemos ayuda emocional y espiritual para aquéllas que lo solicitan. ¡Todos son bienvenidos! Estamos localizados en Casa de la Misericordia y abrimos todos los lunes de 10am a 12pm, y los miércoles de 12:30pm a 5pm. Por otro lado, si usted está interesada en ayudar como voluntaria en este ministerio, por favor contacte a Marisela Ortiz (Coordinadora del Centro de Distribución) a su correo electrónico [email protected], o llame a la oficina (425) 775-7545. Para más información, puede visitarnos en nuestra página web
El Rosario Vocacional es un grupo de fieles que se reúnen en la capilla de Adoración al Santísimo para rezar el Rosario por las Vocaciones Sacerdotales y Religiosas. Para más información puede comunicarse con Osvaldo Becerril al [email protected]
Nosostros nos reunimos todos los jueves a las 7:00 pm
BLD (Bukas Loob Sa Diyos - Open In Spirit To God).
It is a Catholic Charismatic Covenant Community. Its mission is to evangelize and build communities of faith through Encounter retreats for married couples, singles, solo parents and the youth; and a Christian life program in the Life in the Spirit Seminar and Discipleship Formation. Its members actively participate in the life and mission of the Catholic Church.
FLC (Filipino Leadership Council):
Provides leadership, direction and assistance in the allocation of resources to support activities in the parish sponsored by Filipino parishioners. If you would like to join this ministry, please email: Nanette Villanueva at [email protected]
San Lorenzo:
A ministry that organizes and promotes the celebration of the feast day of Saint Lorenzo Ruiz, the first Filipino saint canonized in October 18, 1987 by Saint John Paul II. If you would like to join our ministry, please email Kristina Dixon at [email protected]
Santo Niño:
A ministry that organizes and promotes the celebration of the feast of Santo Niño, the Holy Child Jesus. The history of the Santo Niño in the Philippines began in 1521 when the Philippines was discovered. The devotion to the Holy Child Jesus shares its worldwide veneration of the Infant Jesus of Prague.
Simbang Gabi:
It is a treasured Filipino tradition originally comprising of a series of “dawn masses” for 9 consecutive days in preparation for the coming of Christ at Christmas. It is celebrated by Catholic Filipino communities all over the world.
PAAM (Pacific Asian American Ministry Choir)
For more information please contact Nanette Villanueva
[email protected]
PREPARES is a nurturing response of the Catholic community, open to all, to provide meaningful, local and sustainable support to vulnerable Washington mothers, fathers, and families as they nurture their children through pregnancy and early childhood.
Our vision is that a vulnerable mom or family can come to any Catholic parish in the state and be served.
PREPARES es una respuesta enriquecedora de la comunidad católica, abierta a todos, para brindar un apoyo significativo, local y sostenible a las madres, padres y familias vulnerables de Washington a medida que nutren a sus hijos durante el embarazo y la primera infancia.
Nuestra visión es que una madre o familia vulnerable pueda venir a cualquier parroquia católica en el estado y recibir servicios.
Need Diapers? ¿Necesitas Pañales?
For more information contact the parish office.
Para más informacíon comuniquese con
Parish office: (425) 775-7545
Support PREPARES through Online Giving
You can also make an online donation by selecting "PREPARES-100" from the fund dropdown menu in the link below.
St. Pius X Parish Giving Online:
Volunteers for St. Vincent de Paul assist families in our parish area with grocers and limited financial assistance. Food hampers can be found in both narthexes of the church for your non-perishable food donations. If each family would bring just once can every week or every month, the combined effort would keep our pantry full. You may also consider making a cash or check donation (made out to St. Vincent de Paul)
Small envelopes can be found in the pews and your donation can be dropped in collection baskets at Mass. You can also make a donation online at or using the QR code below
Los voluntarios de San Vicente de Paúl ayudan a las familias en nuestra área parroquial con comida y asistencia financiera limitada. Si usted desea donar alimentos en lata puede encontrar canastas en ambos lados de la iglesia para sus donaciones de alimentos no perecederos. Si cada familia trajera solo una lata cada semana o cada mes, el esfuerzo combinado mantendría nuestra despensa llena. También puede considerar hacer una donación en efectivo o con cheque (a nombre de San Vicente de Paúl)
Se pueden encontrar pequeños sobres amarillos en las bancas, también puede depositar su donación en las cestas de recolección en la misa.
Need help? ¿Necesitas ayuda?
Please call
Por favor llama al